[02/06/2010] Noticia para XBOX 360, Wii, PS3
En Tu tienda de VIDEOJUEGOS
Llega Green Day : Rock Band
El próximo 10 de Junio tendremos en nuestra tienda de videojuegos el próximo Rock Band , GREEN DAY será un título exquisito para los amantes de esta saga incluyendo canciones de toda la carrera musical de la banda, incluyendo dos albumes completos; Dookie y American Idiot, y doce de dieciocho canciones del álbum 21st Century Breakdown
2009 "21st Century Breakdown" 21st Century Breakdown
2004 "American Idiot" American Idiot
2009 "American Eulogy" 21st Century Breakdown
2004 "Are We the Waiting" American Idiot
1994 "Basket Case" Dookie
2009 "Before the Lobotomy" 21st Century Breakdown
2004 "Boulevard of Broken Dreams" American Idiot
1995 "Brain Stew/Jaded" Insomniac
1994 "Burnout" Dookie
1994 "Chump" Dookie
1994 "Coming Clean" Dookie
1994 "Emenius Sleepus" Dookie
2004 "Extraordinary Girl" American Idiot
1994 "F.O.D." Dookie
1995 "Geek Stink Breath" Insomniac
2004 "Give Me Novacaine" American Idiot
1997 "Good Riddance (Time of Your Life)" Nimrod
1994 "Having a Blast" Dookie
1997 "Hitchin' a Ride" Nimrod
2004 "Holiday" American Idiot
2004 "Homecoming" American Idiot
2009 "Horseshoes and Handgrenades" 21st Century Breakdown
1994 "In The End" Dookie
2004 "Jesus of Suburbia" American Idiot
2009 "Last Night on Earth" 21st Century Breakdown
2004 "Letterbomb" American Idiot
1994 "Longview" Dookie
2000 "Minority" Warning
2009 "Murder City" 21st Century Breakdown
1997 "Nice Guys Finish Last" Nimrod
2009 "Peacemaker" 21st Century Breakdown
1994 "Pulling Teeth" Dookie
2009 "Restless Heart Syndrome" 21st Century Breakdown
1994 "Sassafrass Roots" Dookie
2009 "See the Light" 21st Century Breakdown
1994 "She" Dookie
2004 "She's a Rebel" American Idiot
2009 "Song of the Century" 21st Century Breakdown
2004 "St. Jimmy" American Idiot
2009 "The Static Age" 21st Century Breakdown
2009 "¿Viva La Gloria? (Little Girl)" 21st Century Breakdown
2004 "Wake Me Up When September Ends" American Idiot
2000 "Warning" Warning
1994 "Welcome to Paradise" Dookie
2004 "Whatsername" American Idiot
1994 "When I Come Around" Dookie
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